SonicTexting > Gesture Map.

The Quikwriting gesture model used in SonicTexting is not completely intuitive: it requires grasping the representation of the nested letters. The smaller area in which these letters are displayed does not conform to the size of the movement: it needs to be larger, spanning over the adjacent points.
The final version of the gesture map was the most successful in both aesthetic and explanatory terms. It is read as follows: to write an ‘axis’ letter (the letters on the main axes) the controller is moved to that location and returned to the center. To write a ‘nested’ letter (all other letters) the controller is moved to the axis location, then turned one or two positions according to where the letter is written relative to the axis letter, and returned to the center. Upon return to the center the letter is written.

Here is a history of the gesture map design process, arranged in reverse chronological order.

  Version 6
The final version of the gesture map. Fractal-inspired design adjusted to include the graphic representation of the direction of movement required for the nested letters.
  Version 5
A fractal-inspired design created by duplicating and rotating a basic graphic element, to communicate the ‘nested’ nature of the writing model.
  Version 4
Tried an alternative representation model: here the letters appear in the destination position, not the origin. The letter color indicates the outbound
direction to be taken for reaching the letter.

Version 3
Moved to a circular representation. This model is presented as lines and points rather than regions. The letter order is alphabetical, favoring memorization over efficient access to the most used letters. The four basic punctuations marks are included - period, comma , question and exclamation marks.

  Version 2
Modified Quikwriting map with most extra characters removed.
The font, colors and lines were changed.
  Version 1
The original Quikwriting map
Thanks to Christian Palino and Tal Drori for their help during this process.